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'Roses Pave' is a very French style of flower bouquet that is all focused on the Roses in this case. If you have someone special in your life that has an affinity for the finer things, they will love this beautiful bouquet of three dozen Roses. This style of flower design all started in the famous French Flower Markets. Clean, no fuss, very sophisticated in its presentation that will arrive in style and create some real flower magic. As pictured here we have showcased a rose variety called 'Red Panther', However, this style bouquet would also look fabulous with any color or variety of Roses. Here at Jeffrey's Flowers, we are known for always having a beautiful selection of Roses. Creating a special bouquet like our 'Roses Pave' for you will be a pleasure.
If you have never purchased or received roses from us before, our rose offerings are definitely a cut above the rest. The vast majority of our roses are imported to us farm direct from our exclusive flower broker in Quito, Ecuador. Because we receive our roses farm direct that means they are a lot fresher than those you'll find at most other flower shops. What that means for you is that the roses your recipient receives from us are going to last for them considerably longer. So if that sounds like something your recipient would love to get for a special occasion, we would love to help make it happen.
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